Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

Mesin Hitung Uang Morgen MG-718

Mesin Hitung Uang Morgen MG-718

Fitur Mesin Hituang Uang Morgen MG-718 :
* Automatic Detecting with UV (UltraViolet) and MG (Magnetic) while counting
* Suitable for most Currencies in the world
* Automatic Start, Stop, and Clearing
* With batching, adding, and self-examination functions
* Automatic half-note detection

Spesifikasi Mesin Hitung Uang Morgen MG-718 :
* Counting Speed : >900 pcs/min
* Banknote Size : Max. 90x185mm, Min. 50x100mm
* Power Consumption : <80 Watt
* Size of Packages : 370x300x232mm

Rp. 1.460.000 - Ongkir Full Buyer

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